Friday, June 15

Foreign Trampolines

Alright, since this is Le Tour de Tramps, we've been keeping count of all the trampolines we've seen.  Stats:

Norway:  73 (with 44 just between the airport and Oslo)
Sweden:  11
Denmark:  17 and counting

Juicy stuff.  Sweden may seem to be lacking but, as I've said on many a previous occasion, statistics are fairly pointless.  In this instance the grandeur of the circumstances responsible for our first Swedish trampoline sighting make up for the event's inability to repeat itself even into the teens along the rest of our course through the country.  In fact if what we did is what it takes to spot these beautiful contraptions in the region, we're happy to have left them unseen.

After leaving our McDonald's interweb rendezvous location with sunny optimism (and a noteworthy glass jar of nutella from the nearby supermarket), we pressed boldly on in the complete wrong direction.  Passing a sign at the far end of the parking lot that simply said, "Gods"* with an arrow indicating where they should park, we headed carelessly down a carless road.  It went down and down and up and up and finally to a beautiful cove surrounded by camping trailers and containing at least one SCUBA diver.  Receiving no confirmation from an encamped German woman as to whether the road went through and on, we decided to look for ourselves.  "Might as well after coming this far."  At that point the pavement thinned and led sharply uphill.  But no hindrance.

Stubbornly peddling onward toward what we felt would certainly turn out to be a dead end, we soon found ourselves entering a Naturpreservat.  The greenery reminded us both of the Pacific Northwest.  Near the entrance sat a house.  One look at the front yard and we knew how to justify the lengthy deviation from our way south.  There was our first Swedish trampoline!


  1. Love the pictures and your sense of adventure! -N

  2. Wow. That is tenacity! Now I am re-thinking that all these years that we have denied allowing a trampoline at our house was wise.

  3. --> Gods --> "must be a sign for us!" - C

  4. Footnote I forgot to add: Gods is Swedish for Goods.
